Meet Our Staff

Krista Bates - Administrative Assistant

Rayel Bates - Office Assistant

Meet Our Elders

Elders are responsible for the spiritual oversight of the church, teaching, shepherding its people and modeling for them the Christian life.

Scott Fertig
Brent Roberts
Landon Samuel
Mark West

Meet our Deacons

Deacons are responsible for overseeing the church facilities, programming, ministries and administration.

Timothy Bowley - Small Groups
Tim Coombs - Buildings & Grounds
Steve Cravens - Fellowship / Technology
Steve Eldridge - Finance & Bookkeeping
Chad Fordyce - Transportation
Rob Frederick - Benevolence
Mikeal Gossage - NextWork
Bryan Graves - Buildings & Grounds
Jason Jones - Youth
James Litsey - Missions
Scott Mundy - Worship